Equipment & Maintenance

The Hardware Mastery Workshop for Hospitality and Business teams takes all participants through the adjustment and maintenance of espresso equipment. This on-site workshop is a full-fledged business training and is intended for a maximum of 8 participants per workshop round. The conditions can be found in the downloadable file on this page.

Hardware Mastery Parts

  • Adjustment. This workshop is aimed at understanding and mastering espresso equipment. Participants learn how to optimally adjust the espresso machine and bean grinder for the desired flavor profiles. Practical aspects, such as setting the grinding degree and amount of coffee, are discussed.

  • Maintenance. The importance of properly maintaining the equipment, including keeping the steam pipe and espresso station clean, is also discussed in detail. By learning proper maintenance techniques, participants can extend the life of the hardware and maintain consistently high-quality coffee preparation.

Contact us for your Barista Workshop

Barista Koffie Coaching. Barista Training Informatie. Ontdek de Espresso Machine. Zakelijke Espresso Machine Cursus met Passie voor Koffie - Amsterdam.

Who is Geert-Jan the Baristaman?

8 years ago I started as a Barista in Amsterdam. With years of experience in giving private and business workshops, management, espresso machine sales and freelance barista projects, I am happy to help you get more out of your coffee experience!

Get to know Geert-Jan

Or follow a workshop in Amsterdam

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Business Barista Workshop Package: Hardware Mastery

Discover the Business Barista Workshop Hardware Mastery, which we provide in the province of Utrecht and Amsterdam. You can still make the best coffee at the office! 

The Baristashop provides the Business Barista Workshop Hardware Mastery within the catering industry and companies. With eight years of specialty coffee experience and knowledge in providing on-site business training, your business team is assured of coffee success. Don't come to us, we come to you! 🚖

In the Business Barista Workshop Hardware Mastery provides advice and practical knowledge on adjusting and maintaining espresso bean grinders, coffee grinders and espresso machines. We look at the espresso hardware; which settings give the best coffee results? How is the espresso machine water quantity adjusted? How is a bean grinder or coffee grinder adjusted and which barista tools can be used for this? How do I clean the steam pipe? How often should the espresso machine be descaled? These themes are all covered in the theory and practice of the Business Barista Workshop Hardware Mastery.

The Business Barista Workshop Package Hardware Mastery includes :

  • Adjust espresso machine and bean grinder technology
  • Cleaning and maintenance advice

View Geertjandebaristaman 's story.

Baristashop workshop benefits:

  • Clear communication
  • Including travel costs and preparation time.
  • Personal attention.
  • Answering questions.
  • Barista Workshops compiled from 8 years of barista experience.
  • Possibility to adjust the bean grinder and espresso machine.
  • You will find your coffee coach in the Baristashop!