Welke Melk Is Het Beste Voor In De Koffie? Koffie Blog.

Which Milk is Best for Coffee?

Freshness in your Cup: Which milk is best for coffee?

The answer is short and sweet: Fresh milk is best for coffee!

In this coffee blog we discuss an essential ingredient that can make a world of difference in your daily cup of coffee: fresh milk. Whether you're a seasoned coffee connoisseur or just enjoy a good cup of coffee, using fresh milk can make or break the taste, texture, and overall coffee experience. Learn everything about preparing espresso here .

Why Choose Fresh Milk?

Rich and Creamy Texture: Fresh milk adds unparalleled creaminess to coffee drinks such as Latte Macchiato and Flat White. Whether you like a classic cappuccino or cafe latte, the fresh milk provides a silky smooth texture.

Full Taste Experience: Milk is not just an afterthought in your coffee; the mixing of coffee and fresh milk accentuates the flavors in the espresso or filter coffee and therefore adds a rich, extra taste. Fresh milk, from the supermarket or straight from the farm, retains its natural flavor and brings out a unique character.

Perfect Foam for Your Espresso Drinks: If you're a fan of espresso drinks with foam, fresh milk is the key to achieving that perfect foam. The proteins and fats in fresh milk respond better to steam and provide a firm, smooth foam.

Tips for Working with Fresh Milk.

Choose Organic Whole Milk or Local Farms: Try to get milk from local farms or the supermarket that is fresh and organic. This not only supports the local community (organic milk often comes directly from the Dutch farmer), but also because fresh milk from local sources is often of higher quality.

Steaming milk with whole milk. Coffee Blog.

Pay attention to the Temperature: Heat the milk slowly and at a low temperature to prevent overheating and scalding. Do you steam the milk? Make sure you stop steaming when you can no longer touch the milk jug, then you will have reached a temperature of approximately 70 degrees. This prevents the milk from having a "burnt" taste.

Experiment with Milk Types: Not all milk is equal. Try different types of milk, such as whole milk, skim milk, almond milk or oat milk, to discover which best suits your taste preferences. When frothing milk, we recommend starting with whole milk. This way you can master the technique and from there you can switch to different types of milk, which require a little more technique to steam properly.

Coffee Recipes With Whole Fresh Milk.

You can make delicious coffee with whole milk. That's why we've prepared some delicious coffee recipes for you!

Creamy Milk Drink with a Twist


- 250 ml fresh whole milk

- 1 shot of espresso

- 1 tablespoon vanilla syrup

- Whipped cream for garnish

Work with fresh milk coffee blog.


1. Heat the milk over a low heat until it steams, but not boiling, or steam the milk to a maximum of 70 degrees.

2. Brew a shot of espresso and add to a cup.

3. Add the vanilla syrup to the espresso.

4. Carefully pour the heated milk over the espresso and syrup.

5. Garnish with whipped cream.

Enjoy this delicious milk drink with a surprising twist!

Lavender Honey Latte


- 200 ml fresh whole milk

- 1 shot of espresso

- 1 tablespoon lavender honey

- Dried lavender flowers for decoration


1. Heat the milk and lavender honey over a low heat until the milk steams, or steam the milk to a maximum of 70 degrees.

2. Brew a shot of espresso and pour it into a cup.

3. Carefully add the heated milk with lavender honey to the espresso.

4. Stir gently to blend the flavors.

5. Garnish with dried lavender flowers for a touch of elegance.

This Lavender Honey Latte offers a delicate and floral twist to your daily coffee routine.

Iced Caramel Macchiato with Vanilla


- 250 ml fresh cold whole milk

- 2 shots of espresso

- 2 tablespoons vanilla syrup

- Ice cubes

- Caramel sauce for garnish


1. Fill a glass with ice cubes.

2. Pour the cold milk over the ice cream.

3. Brew two shots of espresso and add them to the milk.

4. Add the vanilla syrup and stir gently.

5. Drizzle caramel sauce over the top for a sweet finishing touch.

Enjoy this refreshing Iced Caramel Macchiato with a hint of vanilla, perfect for hot days or when you fancy a cooling coffee drink.

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